Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Style Your Event takes on the challenge of Mudderella

On Saturday 30th August I achieved something I would never have thought I could have done, I took part in my first ever Obstacle Course Mudderella and I loved it. I think I may have caught the bug for these challenges and am already thinking about which one to do next. 

It was back in February that we decided to sign up for Mudderella as a challenge for the girls at work. Although some thought we were slightly mad I took it as a chance to get fitter and to push myself to achieve something I would never have thought I could do. So the training began and I joined a local bootcamp the amazing Fortitude Fitness as they have the first and only obstacle course in Cambridge. Although I found the sessions hard they are a great challenge and one which I will continue to work at to improve my fitness each week. If you are local to Cambridge and love fitness then book yourself in for a session, check out there website below.

Back to Mudderella we arrived about an hour before our 12 o'clock start time so we signed in and got ready for this challenge. This was the first ever Mudderella in the UK so we expected it to be an awesome event and they didn't disappoint. The facilities were impressive with even a make-up tent so we could decorate our faces before we became covered in MUD! 

We kicked off our Mudderella experience with a 15 minute warm up, which psyched us all up for the start of this event. Although we had spent time studying the website we were not quite sure what to expect as none of us had taken part in an arranged obstacle course event like this. As with any race the first part is always the hardest getting used to running especially up hill (you don’t get many hills in Cambridge) and getting into a pace which works for each of us. The first obstacle I have to admit was one I found the hardest the ‘wheelbarrow’. Debbie stormed this but I just couldn’t get the hang of it, I certainly need to work on my upper body strength after such a failed attempt at such a simple exercise which as a kid I would have found easy!

The rest of the obstacles were just great fun, we ended up coated in mud and rather wet. The funniest one was the‘50 shades of Mud’, this consisted of around 10 mounds of mud with each one followed by a ditch of muddy and stinky water. The only way to do this because of how slippery they each were was to slide into the water then climb out and onto the next mound. The end result was hilarious we were coated in mud from waist to foot and we didn’t smell too pleasant either. The rest of the obstacles included a selection from this link.

The final obstacle which I must admit we all found hard was the ‘Hat trick’. This consisted of us climbing up a cargo net then up a ladder, the only way down was down a steep slide and into a pool of dirty muddy water. The reason we found this so hard I think was due to the amount of time you were under water and also the coldness of the water. I must say I was glad this was the last obstacle as otherwise I would have found it hard to continue.
At the end of the race we were presented with our Mudderella headbands which we all wore with pride!